Community Safety

Amber Alerts

What is the AMBER Alert System?

The AMBER Alert System began in 1996 when Dallas-Fort Worth broadcasters teamed up with local police to develop an early warning system to help find abducted children. AMBER stands for America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response and was created as a legacy to 9-year old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas, and then brutally murdered. Other states and communities soon instituted similar plans as the idea was adopted across the nation. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the U.S. Department of Justice assumed responsibility for co-ordination at the national level.

You can have Amber Alerts sent to your cell phone or email register at: NYS Amber Alert

Sex Offenders
How do I find out if a sex offender
lives in my area?

The Port Washington Police District has several Detectives that work in conjunction with Federal, State, County and other local law enforcement agencies to track
registered sex offenders.

An update list is available from the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services
on their site selection Sex Offender
Management link.

SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 23, 2009 – The Port Washington Police District recently received certification by the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police (Association) in a new sex offender management program.
The certification recognizes that Port
Washington Police are employing proactive and sound practices in managing sex offenders in
their community.



Have information on a crime?
Use our
TIPS FORM to help us solve it.
Do NOT use this form to report an
emergency dial 9-1-1

Burglary Prevention
We remind all residents to lock doors and windows as well utilize exterior lighting and alarm systems. We encourage you to call the Police to report any suspicious activity. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, please call the Port Washington Police. And, please remember 911 is only for Police emergencies.

Residential Burglary Safety Tips

Always lock your doors and windows. Even the best locks can’t protect you if you don’t use them.

Do some yard work. Trim hedges and bushes so thieves can’t hide out.

Know your neighbors. Neighbors who look out for each other are among the best, and least expensive, defenses against neighborhood crime.

Secure your spare. Leave your spare key with a trusted neighbor.

Never hide it on the property. Burglars have more experience looking for keys than you do hiding them.

Lighting. Make sure all outside entrances, front, back and side have good lighting so burglars can’t easily hide.

Stop mail and paper deliveries if you are going on vacation.

If you have an alarm system, use it. Post warning signs or window decals on your property.

If you suspect an intruder is in your home, do not enter. Call 9-1-1 immediately.


School Safety
or call 1-800-448-3000

School Safety Hotline For Weber Middle School & Schreiber High School. When making an anonymous report either through the website or via phone your will need the “User Name” and “Password” associated with your school. This information is printed in the student handbook and is also available in the guidance office of your school.

Domestic Violence
The Police can help you:

Get to a safe place away from the violence.

Get information on how the court can help protect you against the violence.

Get medical care for injuries you or your children may have.

Get necessary belongings from your home for you or your children.

Get copies of police reports about the violence.

File a complaint in criminal court and tell you where your local Criminal and Family Courts are located.

New York State office of Prevention of Domestic Violence- http://www.opdv.ny.gov/
Hotline 1-800-942-6906 – TTY: 1-800-818-0656 – Spanish 1-800-942-6908 – Spanish TTY: 1-800-780-7660

Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence – http://cadvnc.org24 hour Hotline (516) 542-0404

More Information and Resources:

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network


Cyber Crimes
Cyber crimes can range from fraud to unsolicited emails (spam). Cyber crime incorporates anything from illegal downloads to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Through advanced systems, tech-savvy criminals are anonymous and can do great harm. The sheer size of the Internet and number of users makes it impossible for one agency to monitor and prevent every scam and criminal on the Internet. Thus, the responsibility falls on individuals to protect themselves.

Common Types of Cyber Crime

  • Digital intellectual property theft, including hacking and piracy
  • Fraud and identity theft, including phishing schemes
  • Cyber-bullying

Read more here.

Identity Theft
If you have been a victim of cybercrime, you have a VOICE.


The following information below was sourced from the Federal Trade Commission

Protect your Social Security number.

Treat your trash and mail carefully.

Be on guard when using the Internet.

Select intricate passwords.

Verify a source before sharing information.

Safeguard your purse and wallet.

Store information in secure locations.

What is a credit freeze?

For additional information visit their site.

Pedestrian Safety

Children between the age of 2 and 6 years represent just over six percent of the total population, but are involved in up to 25 percent of all pedestrian mishaps. Nearly one-third of the 5 to 9-year-old children killed by motor vehicles are pedestrians. Children enjoy playing outside, but they lack the judgment skills to cope with traffic.

Young children are adventurous and may act impulsively, often expecting that adults, including motorists, will be watching out for them. A few facts that should help adults understand why children are so vulnerable may seem obvious. Physically, children are shorter, giving them a totally different perspective of the road. Preschoolers also have less defined side vision – and focusing requires more time than is generally true of adults. They also do not localize sounds as easily as adults. They still do not have concepts of what is safe, dangerous or illegal. Children don’t have the skills to handle these risky situations until around the age of 10 years. They typically give most of their attention to play, family or friends and it is unlikely that they will think about or respond to traffic at the same time unless properly guided.

Read more here
