PWPD Recruitment Announcement

We are actively seeking Port Washington residents age 17-34 from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to join our ranks. We invite and encourage men and women with the talent and experience that drive or support every type of business or profession to become a part of our force.

SALARY & BENEFITS ( subject to change)

· $50,000 starting salary 

· $128,329 after 9 years

· Up to 10% shift differential 

· 13 paid holidays annually

· Up to 14 paid vacation days

· Generous sick time

· 5 personal days; 

· Health Plan; Dental and Vision benefits; 

· 20 year contributory pension plan; 

· Tax-deferred savings plan.

Nassau County Civil Service plans on giving an entrance examination by the end of 2017 (or the beginning of 2018).

Please pre-register at: