We remind all residents to lock doors and windows as well utilize exterior lighting and alarm systems. We encourage you to call the Police to report any suspicious activity. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, please call the Port Washington Police. And, please remember 911 is only for Police emergencies.

Residential Burglary Safety Tips

Always lock your doors and windows. Even the best locks can’t protect you if you don’t use them.

Do some yard work. Trim hedges and bushes so thieves can’t hide out.

Know your neighbors. Neighbors who look out for each other are among the best, and least expensive, defenses against neighborhood crime.

Secure your spare. Leave your spare key with a trusted neighbor.

Never hide it on the property. Burglars have more experience looking for keys than you do hiding them.

Lighting. Make sure all outside entrances, front, back and side have good lighting so burglars can’t easily hide.

Stop mail and paper deliveries if you are going on vacation.

If you have an alarm system, use it. Post warning signs or window decals on your property.

If you suspect an intruder is in your home, do not enter. Call 9-1-1 immediately.



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